Glad your back for part 2! Last time we talked about becoming a team and taming the tongue. Hope you enjoy the rest of this two part series. If you missed Part 1, read it here.
Switch from doing things by yourself to pulling together: We have all seen different types of wagons. The one in the picture is obviously a carriage, carrying people. As a team you may have people that you’re responsible for, your kids, family, or even those under your leadership. These are the people that are depending on you to lead the way. It will take both of you to stay on track and stay committed to the direction of the driver.
Other types of wagons may look like a plow, a seeder, a harvester, or even a hay wagon used to feed stock. Depending upon what you might be going through as a couple. You may be needing to rip everything up and start fresh. The weeds might be a little high and the only way through might be to plow up the dirt and start new. The seeder would immediately follow the plow. Good seeds, that will help you two produce a productive marriage. The harvester, which, once you’ve done the work of the plow and seeder, the harvester will allow you to see the reward for the work the two of you have done together. And finally the hay wagon, this one allows you to share your experiences with others.
Switch from taking your cues from others to listening to a good driver: You may have a real good example of marriage from your parents. You may have taken a premarital course through your church prior to marriage and that if fantastic. If you are taking cues from the latest t.v. shows, or from a worldly view of marriage it will be difficult to understand why marriage was even created. The team, tongue, and wagon could go nowhere without the driver. He is the leader, the director. He is the one to whom we trust, put our hope in, depend on for direction. Without the driver, we are aimless and without purpose. The driver not only takes us to where we are going, but stays with us in a bind. I pray that you as a couple, know Christ as your personal savior and know Him as the driver of your team. If you don’t we would be proud to introduce you.
50% of all marriages, Christians included, ends in divorce. Can you imagine if we are the ones who help change those statistics? Can you imagine what it would be like to have a marriage that works as a team? Hope you make the switch when you get hitched and if you are hitched already, hope you pull that wagon successfully!
Please let me know what type of wagon you are currently pulling? Would love to hear from you!
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