I get so distracted. I wish it weren’t true, but it is. Even this morning as I look at a blank computer screen. What do I write? I’ve got dozens of ideas written in my notes but none appeal to me this morning. A blank computer screen with a beautiful picture. I can stare at this picture all day. Probably because I can imagine myself in her seat. What would that be like to rope like Jaelyn, or give like Sylvia, or have grace like Julie, be a go getter, like Kay. What if I could ride like Dorisann, or take four little ones horseback everyday like Rachel. If only I could show up everytime, like my mother-in-law, Barbara. Admiration is good and I look up to many. Men and women who I want to be more like.
Endurance like Rhea, love unconditionally like Miss Robbie.
Laugh like Tanya, be as authentic as Dixie……….
…..pray like Sheila, have fun with my family, like Becky. Be a faithful friend like Miranda.
Have integrity like my husband Wendel, step on a colt, like Clay and Jake. Love everyone, like my father-in-law, Hank.
I can’t be them, even at times when I want to.
……………sing like Yadon, or Greg…..oh yeah, I’m a girl, thank God I don’t have a man voice.
………………..play steel guitar like Dale, drum like Charlie……………………
Have a marriage like Gramps and Grammy, 57 years this past Sunday.
…or like Leon and Betty Lou…………over 60 years together.
What if I could lead an arena team like C.W., Amy, Marvin,…………..I know, this name thing, can be dangerous. I could leave out someone whom I admire greatly. Each one important. Each one making up who I am…making up who others are.
…………….or start a business like Jared and Lacy.
make people laugh like Steve and Julie………
take in every stray dog and senior citizen like Jordyn……………
be faithful and love authentically like Tony and Brandy…….
………….completely on board like Sarita.
A go getter like Clint.
Keep books……..like Jean Anne or Karlin. Be inspired like Jerry. Take care of a kid with disabilities like Kim or Joyce. Greet people and put up a flag every Sunday like J.R. and David.
………………………. And dang it…I can’t cook a steak like Jeff!
It may be hard for me to see what I’m good at. It may be hard to even know if God is using me. Sometimes I have my doubts. But from talking to others, I hear them say the same thing. What difference do I make? Why am I here? Words sometimes from these men and women with incredible talents, great accomplishments wonder the same things. I bet you do too. Our struggle is nothing new……………..
………….Moses wasn’t a public speaker but his brother-in-law Aaron was, but he lead God’s people out of Egypt.
……………….David was just tending sheep, he didn’t look very “kingly” but became a king and known as a man after God’s own heart.
………………….Esther thought she , among many women, was spending some time at the spa. She was chosen to be queen and was used by God to keep His people from being annihilated.
……………………..Saul was persecuting Christians when an angel stopped him on his way somewhere else. Now Paul, he became a believer in Christ, powerful disciple, and the writer of many letters in the New Testament.
………………………..Ruth, a young women who lost her husband, clung to her mother-in-law and won back the family inheritance through a kinsman redeemer.
So no matter who we admire, or even how we feel our talents fall short. Our own shortcomings could be the very thing that God might use to bring Him glory. Yea, we don’t look like someone else, nor should we. I may get distracted and wonder what to write. But I , like you, may need to go ahead and do it anyway. Not taking confidence in my own strength but in His. Isn’t it just like Christ to use us in the most unexpected ways? Aren’t you glad that He’s allowed others to speak into your life?
Many of these I mentioned above, and many that I didn’t and I will kick myself after I post this, they are the men and women who make up cowboy church. I can’t imagine my life without them. I can’t imagine them ever thinking they don’t have something to offer or what difference they make. I hope…I REALLY hope they know what they mean to me, to Wendel, to each other. Most of all, I hope they know the difference they are making in Kingdom of God.
So what difference can you make? Have you ever wondered what other’s see in you? Please leave me your thoughts………………..thecowboypastorswife
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