It’s the reason why I started blogging. While on Facebook one day, looking thru my feed….the heading read, Why It’s Okay To Cheat. It was a popular post with a picture of a couple. I thought it might be a play on words, so I read on. The article was actually about cheating on your spouse!! What?……. you’re joking right?!!!…. at any moment I’m going to read the words….THIS IS ONLY A TEST! I imagined how many young women might be reading this…. Perhaps a military wife….. Or a new bride wondering if she’s doing this whole marriage thing right….. Was she a young mom struggling at home with toddlers. What ever the case, I was mad!! The article went on to say that she believed cheating on her husband made her happier and therefore made her marriage stronger.
That was the beginning of my blogging. I thought, I may not do it perfectly, but I wanted to do what other women had done for me. They taught me about loving my husband and creating a home. They showed me how to study the Word. They encouraged me that hard times didn’t last forever. I looked up to them as a good source. I’m still learning….why, because I need to….don’t we all? Being married is rewarding, but it’s also frustrating at times. It’s supportive, and lively, and amazing. But has your marriage ever experienced loss, like losing a home, or a job? Has it ever been broke? Has it ever had misunderstandings? It’s a lot of things. To me, my marriage for these past, almost 28 years, has been filled with good memories, but we’ve had some pretty big trials as well. I bet you’ve been there.
In fact I had a friend call me the other day. She was in tears because she read a blog post about, 10 Ways to Know if Your Spouse Loves You. She couldn’t find her relationship with her husband anywhere in the article. Convinced they were doomed she broke down and cried. My heart broke for her! So here you go….don’t believe everything you read. Do you know this source? Is this person reliable? Do they speak truth from God’s Word? Are they trustworthy? How long had this source been married? These are just a few question, although I bet you can think of some more.
She knew nothing about her………………………….but yet her words had caused her to think she was a complete failure!
And why is this important?
Because so many of our young men and women are using blog post as a source of information. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Or why would you even read this? But the source is what matters. My husband and I have a passion for marriage and we want to hear from you. We are working on a video series but need some input. I’ve given an example of where people sometimes get their information, although there are many areas marriage can be put to the test. The best word I can think of is….pain point. What do you see as a pain point for couples today? We have made a brief YouTube Video to explain and ask that you take a few minutes to watch it.
So here ya go…..can you help out by commenting below or sending a private message? If you’d like, you can go to my husbands website, and comment there as well. Because marriage is important to us, we want you to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time. As always, love hearing from you, thecowboypastorswife.
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