The other night I snapped at my spouse. I knew immediately and felt ashamed. There was no taking it back!! I could see what should have been a proud moment for him, turn into unmet expectations for me and the look on my face gave it away. “What a loser I am”…is what I thought. In reality though, we all make mistakes and let useless words vomit out our mouth. Sometimes we even say, “Hey, I’m human…it happens” and allow this to be our life motto instead of learning from it. Note to self…let’s not do that again!
Together we should work to build character, stronger morals, a deeper faith, bigger love, and thus improve our teamwork for a bigger purpose. I was being a character that day, not improving character in myself or in him. Let’s not be a world full of “characters”, Lord knows, we have enough of those…but lets have marriages full of moral character,integrity, strength and purpose. Not only choosing to “say” the right thing but having the right thing deep within us, so those right word choices easily come out.
“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.”
1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV
So after wanting to move past my episodic snapped phase I realize one of the most powerful words I can say…”Forgive me” and it is included in the list below for good reason. I think you’ll agree that each statement below is a good reminder of not only how to treat our spouse but to treat others as well. With that….let’s get to it.
7 Powerful Statements That Will Change Your Marriage For Good
- “Thank you.” Gratitude can change your marriage. It can change your life. The more often you stop to notice the things your grateful for, the less time you waste on being negative about something you don’t have.
- “Forgive me.” Way to often, when used sarcastically, these two words lose the depth of their true purpose. Sincere forgiveness is humble and self less. Asking forgiveness is powerful to marriage. And forgiving is just as powerful!
- “How can I help?” Sometimes we get to treating our spouse like our child and begin to bark orders, especially when we are scared or insecure about a situation. The best thing we can do for each other is to ask, “how we can help?”. This simple statement reassures our trust in their decisions and willingness to roll our sleeves up to work with them.
- “I admire you.” Saying these three powerful words can build tremendous strength. We each have characteristic or qualities that attracted us to each other. Remind each other of the good you see in them.
- “I’m on your side.” Always be on your spouse’s side….even if you disagree. What do I mean by that? We don’t always have to see eye to eye but we do need to stand up for each other. We win together, we fail together. We’re on each other’s side no matter what and this is especially important in front of children, in-laws, and friends. When they see we have set this foundation in our marriage, it makes other relationships much easier.
- “I believe in you.” Ever had one of those crazy ideas, like starting a business, losing weight, entering a contest…and you tell your spouse? The power of believing in each other can turn dreams into reality when someone rallies with you along the way.
- “I love you!” We can’t say these powerful words enough. Hopefully you already use them in all situations of your marriage. You know the saying, “I may not like you but I will always love you” ? Love covers a multitude of moods, achievements, disappointments, good days, bad days, sick days, and best days ever. Love is there no matter what side of the bed we wake up on. We need to remember love takes effort and it looks out for the other.
I’m sure you can think of a few more statements that are key for you and your spouse. My husband just came in and I read this post to him and he said, “I’m proud of you.” Oh dang, I forgot that one!
What about you? What statements are powerful for your marriage? Would love to hear from you……thecowboypastorswife
The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart;
Luke 6:45 AMP
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