I enjoy being a mother in law. In fact I love it! . Besides, for a mother of two boys, it’s great to have a girl around!
With life lessons under our belts we are to mentor, pray for, guide, encourage, and model a Godly example for the next generation. And what an awesome opportunity to teach and to learn.
So enough chitter chatter……
5 Ways to Pray For Your Daughter In Law
1. Start with yourself: Wait !!! Wait!! This is about her, right? Ask yourself some basic questions. Am I teachable to God? Do I resist when He is patiently trying to get something across to me? I’ve come to understand that I must have a teachable spirit in order to be a teacher. Good students make good teachers, so I want to be a better student of God. I want to be a better student of women who I admire, woman who make good decisions, woman who are not gossipers, and women who practice what they preach.
2. Pray for her to know Christ: It is the most important prayer you can say for her! I am thankful that my daughter in law knows Christ but what if yours doesn’t know Him. Showing is knowing! This will speak louder to her than just words! So with that in mind, what are my actions showing? One of those actions would be to pray for her, to show her kindness, to show her humility, to show her respect and then pray for opportunities to dive into His Word.
3. Pray for her as a wife: Pray that her eyes will be opened to the wonderful new job she has ahead. Being a wife is a high calling. She needs to know that you respect her as a young wife and that she is accepted into this new position. She has now become one with your son and you must see them as one.
4. Pray that she makes God first above your son: Although we are crazy about our sons, there is no one on the face of the earth, that can fill your new daughter laws life like Christ. Pray that she looks to Christ to be filled up. Pray that she finds joy in Him and spend regular time at His feet. Doing this will put Christ in His proper place. No one, no matter how amazing, awesome, talented, or whatever, can take the place of honor that God deserves.
5. And finally, pray. Pray for all kinds of things. Pray for her if she is a mother or if she is not. Pray God’s will over her. Pray God uses her to promote His kingdom. Pray for her gifts and talents, that she would know her value and worth. Pray that she is confident in being your son’s wife. Pray that she loves the Lord, her husband, and her family. Pray for her friendships. Pray for the easy days and the hard ones.
You know, it’s not a bad thing to ask her if you can pray for her in any special way. It may even surprise her. Young wives have so many challenges. Let her know that one of her concerns doesn’t have to be you. Be helpful and pray always.
How do you pray for your daughter in law? Love hearing from you…………….thecowboypastorswife
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